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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Linksys Velop Purple Light

The Linksys Velop mesh Wi-Fi system is renowned for its seamless connectivity and reliable performance. However, users may encounter issues from time to time, and one common concern is the appearance of a purple light on the Velop nodes. This purple light can indicate various issues that need attention. In this guide, we’ll explore the potential causes of the Linksys Velop purple light issue and provide step-by-step solutions to help you get your mesh network back on track.

Understanding the Linksys Velop Purple Light

When your Linksys Velop node emits a solid purple light, it indicates that the device is ready to be set up. This means that the node has successfully powered on and is awaiting connection to the Velop system. The purple light will remain solid until the setup process is complete.

Also Read:Linksys Velop Light Issues

Linksys Velop Connected but No Internet issue

Step-by-Step Solutions for the Linksys Velop Purple Light issue 

If you’re facing the perplexing problem of a persistent purple light on your Linksys Velop mesh Wi-Fi system, don’t worry. This guide is designed to help you identify and address the issue step by step.

1. Initial Checks:

  • Verify that all Velop nodes are properly connected to power sources and have stable connections.
  • Check if there are any recent changes to your internet service or if there’s an outage in your area.

2. Power Cycle the Velop Nodes:

  • Turn off each Velop node.
  • Wait for 10-15 seconds.
  • Power on the nodes again and observe if the purple light persists.

3. Physical Connections:

  • Ensure all cables connecting your Velop nodes are securely plugged in.
  • Confirm that the power source for each node is stable.

4. Review Internet Connection:

  • Check your internet service provider’s status to ensure there are no outages.
  • Verify that your modem is functioning correctly.

5. Verify Router Placement:

  • Ensure nodes are appropriately spaced and not obstructed by walls or electronic devices.
  • Keep nodes within a reasonable distance for a strong connection.

6. Check for Interference:

  • Identify and relocate devices like cordless phones, microwave ovens, or Bluetooth devices that might cause interference.
  • Adjust channel settings on your Velop nodes to minimise interference from neighbouring Wi-Fi networks.

7. Reset Nodes to Factory Settings:

  • Hold down the reset button with a paperclip or other comparable instrument for approximately ten seconds.
  • Release the button when the LED indicator starts flashing, indicating a reset.
  • Wait for the node to reboot; the LED indicator should change from purple to its normal colour.

8. Firmware Update:

  • Access the Linksys Velop interface using a web browser.
  • Navigate to the firmware update section.
  • Check for any available updates and install them to ensure your system is running on the latest software.

9. Contact Linksys Support:

  • If the purple light persists, reach out to Linksys customer support for further assistance.
  • Provide details about your network setup, the troubleshooting steps you’ve taken, and any specific error messages.


Navigating the Linksys Velop Purple Light scenario requires a systematic approach. By understanding the potential causes and employing step-by-step solutions, you can illuminate your Velop journey and restore seamless connectivity. Whether it’s a minor hiccup or a deeper issue, this guide equips you to conquer the purple glow and enjoy uninterrupted smart home networking.

Q1: Why is my Linksys Velop Blinking Purple?

A: A blinking purple light signals an anomaly in the Velop system. It could indicate a connectivity issue, firmware glitch, or other potential concerns.

Q2: Can I Continue Using Velop with a Purple Light?

A: While possible, it’s crucial to address the root cause. Continuing with a purple light may result in connectivity issues or degraded performance.

Q3: Does Purple Light Indicate a Hardware Problem?

A: The purple light may be caused by various factors, including connectivity issues or firmware glitches. While hardware problems are a possibility, thorough troubleshooting is needed.

Q4: How Often Should I Update Velop Firmware?

A: Regular firmware updates are vital for optimal performance and security. Check for updates quarterly to ensure your Velop is equipped with the latest enhancements.

Q5: Can I Change Velop Settings via

A: Absolutely! Access the web-based setup using for extensive customization of your Velop network settings and configurations.

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